Healthy Tips - Best Ways Cleansing Lymph -

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Healthy Tips - Best Ways Cleansing Lymph -

The lymphatic system is older than cardiovascular system. It is also called "The White River". The first deception of official medicine is that it cannot be affected. For sure, here are countless methods of alternative medicine that can help.

The lymphatic system stays in the basis of the purification of inter cellular spaces, and it is also a part of our immune system. Its function is to filter the blood, to produce white blood cells, to protect us against diseases etc.
The lymphatic system includes spleen, thymus glands (endocrine gland), appendix, tonsils, lymph nodes and vessels, lymphatic tissue. 

When lymph passes through the lymph nodes and spleen, the obsolete cells, bacterial agents and other alien substances (got into body) are being removed. The purified lymph returns again in the lymphatic system.

Clogging of the lymphatic system may lead to many diseases:
allergies, sinusitis, arthritis, cancer, colitis, lupus (erythematosis), obesity and skin problems. It can also be the cause of edema (water retention), lack of energy, constipation (constipation), clogged sinuses, backache, aches and pains and a sense of weakness, lethargy.

In human body there are over 600 lymph nodes located in all areas. Most often, swollen lymph nodes can be established under the jawline, neck, armpits and groin. Usually the swelling of the lymph nodes is a signal that the body is struggling with:

  • infections - different types of bacteria, parasites, viruses, including the common cold.
  • allergies - response against allergens and other inflammatory cells, that reach the lymph nodes
  • toxins and excessive metaboliti, produced in other areas of the body and conveyed to these nodes
  • diseases like - cancers, bladder cancer, breast cancer and other serious diseases

Lymph nodes enlargement can occur rapidly or gradually. More often, sudden swelling is associated with acute bacterial or viral infection, and is accompanied by pain. Other diseases such as cancer, typically cause a slow and gradual increase in the size of lymph nodes, often without the presence of pain.
When lymphatic system is not working properly, our bodies can not remove toxins to fight viral, fungal and bacterial diseases, or regulate the amount of fluid in our tissues. To be able to achieve maximum health, this system should function well.
The lymphatic system is "clogged" because of the presence of toxins and parasites in it. In this situation, lymph can not perform its functions. Under certain conditions, the parasites begin forming colonies, thus infect lymph which leads to different diseases..
To be healthy, we need to maintain a 'clean' lymphatic system. Undoubtedly, the correct diet and physical activities are important, but unfortunately not enough.

Home remedies for enlarged lymph nodes
Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy that can bring relief to many people. Take two tablespoons of vinegar( every four hours), diluted with water, according to individual taste. Apple cider vinegar helps body to produce pH buffers to counter the increased acidity. This alkalization of the body has a favorable effect on the inflammatory processes in the swollen lymph nodes.

Cider vinegar, onion and honey
In a blender place 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup of honey and 8 cloves of garlic. Mix for 1 minute. Put the mixture in a glass container and store in the refrigerator for five days. Take two tablespoons each morning, before breakfast, you can mix it with a little water or juice. This dilution will make the mixture easier to accept. Cut small head of onion and a few cloves of garlic. Put them in a jar and fill it up with honey. Allow the mixture to stand for several weeks. Then eat a few spoonfuls every day.

Poultice of raw pumpkin
Grate raw pumpkin on cheesecloth. Bend it as a poultice and impose on the affected area for about 10 minutes. Do this every day.

Salted water
Gargling with salt water can help reduce inflammation and restore the normal size of lymph nodes. Put half a teaspoon of salt in a 500 ml. cup of warm water. Once the salt is completely dissolved, do gargle with the mixture, without swallowing the mixture. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Burdock root
Burdock root is a herb used to clean the blood and stimulate lymph flow. You can take it as a tea or infusion. It will help you maintain good health. You can use tea of burdock as a substitute for coffee, four cups a day.

Echinacea can be used for cleaning blood and lymph. It stimulates the immune system and can reduce swelling of lymph nodes, especially in cases of colds and flu. Echinacea can be used  as a powder, liquid extract, tea or capsules. It is recommended not to take echinacea for more than seven days, after the disappearance of the swelling of the lymph nodes. Not recommended for nursing mothers or people taking immunosuppressive drugs.

Spirulina is a blue-green freshwater algae, which has a number of nutritional values and health benefits. Its benefits are-ntioxidant protection, reduction of weight, promotes digestion and metabolism, stimulates the production of blood cells, antimicrobial effects, protects against harmful radiation,  fights allergies. No side effects and is completely safe. If you use spirulina powder you can add it to the juice or water.

American ginseng
Ginseng is an ancient herb used in Indian and Chinese medicine for  treatment of various conditions and diseases, including colds and flu, accompanied by swollen lymph nodes. Furthermore, the American ginseng may be useful to prevent cold and reduce the intensity of symptoms such as fever and fatigue.

Turmeric can be used for gargling, just put a half  teaspoon of turmeric powder or a capsule. Turmeric is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used as an additive or tea in treatment of cold, flu and other infectious conditions associated with swelling of the lymph nodes.
To prepare tea from turmeric, use about 3 sm piece of turmeric root, cut it into small pieces and place it in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then remove the pieces, strain and drink  from the tea all day. Note, that turmeric can thin blood, so people taking medications to thin blood should avoid this herb. Herbal teas from hip, fenugreek, ginger, Manuka Honey, can also help to reduce swelling of lymph nodes, also delivering large amounts of vitamin C in body.

Proper nutrition for enlarged lymph nodes

  • stick to diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • balance amount of accepted proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • use extra virgin oil in your diet
  • it is advisable to consume foods such as chicken soup, vegetable juice and steamed greens. They will help alkalization of the body, will relieve the load on the digestive system and will supply enough energy to the body.
  • drink plenty of water. Good hydration is extremely important for proper circulation of lymph and prevent swelling of the lymph nodes. For even better effect, you can add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to drinking water. 
  • avoid sodas and sweetened drinks and those containing colorings. They burden lymphatic system and hinder the flow of lymph.
  • eat more raw fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach. Enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful means to cleanse the lymph. Most fruits are absorbed by the body within 30 minutes, which will be sufficient to feel more energized.

Exercises for enlarged lymph nodes
Exercisesare one of the most important part of maintaining good lymph circulation. When you lead a sedentary lifestyle, lymphatic system works slowly. Exercise can improve lymphatic flow from 10 to 30%. When we doexercises, we create tension inourabdominal muscles and diaphragm. 

This helps to increase the circulation of blood and lymph. Exercise will not only prevent swelling of the lymph nodes, but will help to cleanse the nodes.

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