What You Need To Know About Anemia - Four Curious Facts. 14 Less Common Causes.

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What You Need To Know About Anemia - Four Curious Facts. 14 Less Common Causes.

What You Need To Know About Anemia - Four Curious Facts
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What is anemia?

When the number of red blood cells in blood is low, it is all about anemia.
Blood is divided into two components: a liquid part – plasma, and cellular-containing several different cell types. The most important and the most numerous cells in human blood are red blood cells

The rest are platelets and white blood cells. The main task of the red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. The red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow after a series of complex operations. Unlike most cells in the body, they do not have a core.

4 curious facts about anemia……

1. To not suffer from anemia, red blood cells should be in adequate number, and nutrients, bone marrow and kidneys, should work in full harmony. If your kidneys, or bone marrow are not functioning, or the body has a shortage of nutrients, the red blood cells will not be in the right number and their function will be extremely difficult to be maintained.

2. Anemia acts like a safety valve (signal) for starting morbid process in the body. It is divided into two types of acute and chronic.

Chroniccontinues for a longer period.  Its symptoms occur more slowly and evolve gradually, until the acute starts abruptly and it is exhausting.

3. Red blood cells live about 100 days, and the body repeatedly trying to replace them. In elderly people, the production of red blood cells occurs in the bone marrow.  Doctors should determine, whether the low number of red blood cells is caused by loss of red blood cells, or their production in the bone marrow is reduced. Knowing, whether the number of white blood cells (or thrombocytes) have changed, helps to determine the cause of anemia.

4. Young women are in danger twice, because of menstrual bleeding.

Types of anemia
According to the size of red blood cells, there are three basic types:

1.Macrocytic anemia
It occurs when red blood cells are less, than normal. Among the main reasons are lack of iron (or low iron) and thalassemia (hereditary diseases associated with hemoglobin). How to lower hemoglobin – here.

2.Normocytic anemia
It occurs when red blood cells are normal in size, but they are few in number. This type of anemia is associated with kidney disease.

3.Makrocytic anemia
It occurs when red blood cells are larger than normal. The main reason for this type of anemia is pernicious anemia and anemia associated with alcoholism.

14 Causes of anemia
Among the common causes of anemia are:

1.active bleeding (anemia caused by it), usually in heavy menstrual bleeding, gastrointestinal ulcers or cancer (colon cancer).
2.iron deficiency - the bone marrow needs iron to produce red blood cells.

Iron plays a very large role in the proper structuring of the hemoglobin molecule. If there is a deficiency of iron, you are affected by microcytic anemia (see above). This kind of anemia can occur if you have chronic bleeding, colon cancer, uterine cancer, intestinal polyps, hemorrhoids etc.

3.chronic illness - any long-term chronic disease (such as chronic infection or cancer) can provoke anemia.

4.kidney disease - the kidneys secrete a hormone (erythropoietin) that helps the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. In people with long renal disease, the production of this hormone is reducing. This in turn, leads to reduced production of red blood cells and thus begins anemia.

5.pregnancy - the presence of water and more fluid during pregnancy, dilutes blood, and it leads to a reduced concentration of red blood cells.

6.poor diet - to produce red blood cells, the body needs vitamins and minerals, and for the proper production of hemoglobin are required iron, vitamin B 12 and folic acid. 

Deficiency of any of these components can result in anemia. Attention! Strict observance of a vegetarian diet can cause low levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which in turn leads to anemia.

7.problems in the stomach or intestine (pernicious anemia), which in turn leads to poor absorption of vitamin B 12

8.abnormal hemoglobin molecules (sickle cell anemia). This affects the overall structure of red blood cells and they may take the form of a semicircle. People, suffering from this type of anemia can be diagnosed in childhood, depending on the severity and symptoms of the disease.

9.talasemiya- it can be different, starting from mild to severe.  The reasons are hereditary, associated with abnormalities in hemoglobin (the correct amount of hemoglobin molecules is insufficient).

10.alcoholism - poor nutrition and lack of vitamins and minerals, are associated with alcoholism. Alcohol can be toxic to the bone marrow and  to slow the production of red blood cells.

 11.diseases associated with bone marrow - certain cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma may change the production of red blood cells and to provoke anemia.

12.aplastic anemia - many viral infections can seriously affect the bone marrow and to limit the production of all blood cells. Chemotherapy and some cancer drugs can do the same.

13.hemolytic anemia - red blood cells become dysfunctional for various reasons. Some of its forms can be inherited, as they constantly destroy themselves and quickly reproduce new red blood cells.

14.anemia associated with drugs - they may cause it as a side effect (hemolysis, bone marrow toxicity). Such drugs might be HIV AIDS medicines for malaria, antifungals, antihistamines, certain antibiotics (see also why antibiotics can increase Candida albicans).

Less common causes of anemia:

  • thyroid problems
  • liver disease
  • lead poisoning
  • malaria
  • viral hepatitis
  • mononucleosis
  • bleeding disorders
  • autoimmune diseases

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