With sciatica we associate weakness, tingling or numbness that starts from the lower back, passing through the sciatic nerve, reaching the back of the leg.
I.Symptoms of sciatica
- constant pain in the buttock or only one leg
- pain that worsens when you sit
- tingling or burning feet
- weakness and difficulty moving legs and feet
- acute pain that hold you stand upright or walk
Specific symptoms may vary in type, location and severity, depending on the condition, causing sciatica.
How sciatica occurs?
As age rises, your chances of getting sciatica increase. Very rarely sciatica can affect young people under 20 years of age. Usually the peak of this disease is about 50 and then decreases. Many people within a few weeks, or a month find relief, without surgery. For others, however, it can have fatal consequences and can lead to disability.
If you have these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:
- leg weakness, inability to move
- dysfunction of the gut and bladder (problems with urination)
The most common causes of sciatica
1.Lumbar herniated disc - pinched sciatic nerve.
2.Degenerative disc diseases - result of aging. One or more degenerated discs can cause sciatica.
3. Pinched disc.
4.Lumbar spinal stenosis - a narrowing of the spinal canal. Associated with aging of spine.
5.Pelvic pain syndrome - causes irritation of the nerve endings of the sciatic nerve.
6. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction - inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (it is located in the lower part of the spine)
Other causes for sciatica
- Hypothermia
- Spinal injuries
- Diseases of the spine (mostly herniated disc)
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Overloading
- Infections
More causes…
During pregnancy body undergoes various changes, such as weight gain, shifting the center of gravity, hormonal changes, and this may lead to sciatica.
Connective tissue
If it "press" nerve ending, it also can cause sciatica.
Spinal axis tumors
In very rare cases it can affect the nerves in the lower spine and can cause similar symptoms.
II.Sciatica during pregnancy
Tips to relieve sciatic pain in pregnant women
Sciatica is an inflammation of sciatic nerve caused by various factors. The pain has a mechanical origin. Sciatic nerve starts from the lower back and passes through the buttocks and down the limb. Its inflammation leads to pain in the lumbar region, which can spread to one of the feet - from the back of the thigh to the knee.
Pregnant women often complain of backache and leg pain due to growth and pressure of the uterus, due to the stretching of the bone-joint system of the spine and pelvis. You can experience tension in the waist, due to the increased pressure over the spine, because of the pregnancy.
In different periods of pregnancy, uterus enlargement may lead to pressure on the sciatic nerve . So, you can develop radiculitis or sciatica - back pain at rest and during movement, pain in the buttock and back of the leg, sometimes accompanied by tingling, numbness and burning sensation. Sciaticacan be constant or periodical, depending on, whether baby changes its position. Listen to your body and stop doing anything that causes you pain.
Frequent massage at home, posture correction and compresses can relieve pain.
Applying hot or cold compress on the painful area, for 10 minutes can relieve the condition and it is safe during pregnancy.Wearing flat and soft shoes also can help.
When you sit, use a small pillow or rolled towel behind your back, to support the spine. If you have to lift something, do not bend, keep your back straight when squatting. Walk more and do not stay long in one place for a long period of time. Use pillows to support your abdomen when you lie.
III.Sciatic nerve - anatomy
Sciatic is the largest and busiest nerve in the human body.
It starts from the lower back in the 3rd lumbar vertebra, moving down and reaching each leg. Parts of the sciatic nerve divide itself and passing through legs, to "activate" certain parts of it - thigh, toes, etc.
Depending on where nerve is affected (pressed), we can see different symptoms-leg pain, numbness, weakness. For example, if fifth lumbar vertebra is affected, it can cause weakness (restriction of movement) of the big toe and ankle.
It has a complex structure and has at increased risk of damage.
In some cases only sensory fibers are affected, causing pain. In other cases, this neurological condition can cause permanent, irreversible changes in the structure, leading to loss of sensation or paralysis of the foot.
IV.Sciatic nerve - pain symptoms
Symptoms may include pain that begins in the back or buttock and goes down your leg or/and may move into your foot.
- Tingling, weakness, or numbness in the leg
- Standing for a long time,or sitting also can provoke a pain
- Any movements that cause the spine to flex (some exercises)
- Lying down or walking may relieve symptoms
Treatment sciatica starts with the establishment of the reason, causing inflammation of the sciatic nerve – for example, it might be a result of toxicity in diabetes.
We should neutralize the reason, why a person suffers from sciatica (pinched tumor, bone mass), then apply symptomatic treatment. Patients with sciaticashould stay in bed; very appropriate are warming treatments - physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins of B. If this condition occurs repeatedly, it is recommended balneotherapy.
V.Where is sciatic nerve situated?
Sciatic nerve starts from the lower spine, moving through the pelvis, and reaches each leg. It is known that sciatic nerveis the longest and widest nerve in our body. The sciatic nerve supplies the muscles of the lower leg, calf, ankle, and the back of the knee.
VI.What can we do to prevent future problems with the sciatic nerve
- Physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back
- As much as possible movements
- Weightlifting as protect the spine
- Do not wear high-heeled shoes
- Beware of hypothermia, do not stay on a draughty place
VII.Sciatic nerve – exercise
Sometimes it may appear sharp pain along the sciatic nerve, as a result of overvoltage of the muscle. This can happen when loading the muscles, or improperly posture. So relax and unblock the nerve. In this case you can do a simple exercise:
1. Sit on a chair. If the pain comes from the right side, put right foot on the knee of the other leg. Important: the leg that is down, should be perpendicular to the floor, and the other one should be wide opened.
2. Then begin to tilt forward, put your hands on the raised leg.
3. Gradually increase the amplitude of pushing, as you bend more forward.
4. Finally (at full stretch) you can put your hands down and relax.
Of course, once you do the exercise with one of the legs, you should repeat the same with the other. This is an excellent exercise for loosening the gluteal muscles and release of the sciatic nerve, which instantly reduces pain in the buttocks and legs.
VIII. Natural treatment of sciatica – alternatives. Home remedies.
Ice / Heat
For acute sciatic pain (especially when it is in the initial phase), ice or heat can relieve pain. Typically, this treatment is applied for about 20 minutes and it is repeated every 2 hours. You can change heat with ice.
Physical exercises
If you practice aerobic exercise and stretching it is likely to recover faster.
Exercises are focused on three areas:
Strengthening exercises for relieving sciatic pain
They are intended at strengthening the lower back muscles, ligaments and tendons, gluteus and abdominal muscles. They are suitable for relieving sciatic pain and are directed to the muscles that are tight and solid.
Easy aerobic exercises
These include - walking, swimming and therapy in pool. Aerobic exercises have a very good therapeutic effect, as they help releasing endorphins (“hormones of happines" that reduce sciatic pain).
Devil's claw
It is known to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, but if used in small doses it is very effective.
It has very good healing effect on muscle tissue. Ten, or twenty drops of chamomile extract, (diluted in water) acts instantly.
It is very suitable herb and has many beneficial effects on the connective tissue.
Potato juice
Take at least 10-20 ml. potato juiceevery day (can be mixed with celery juice or carrot juice). It is very useful for gout andsciatica as well.
Elderberry juice or elderberry tea relieves pain in sciatica. It is known to be one of the best muscle relaxants.
Raw garlic
Mash 2 cloves of garlic and mix it with half a glass of milk. Drink 2 times a day. You can expect a result after 8-10 days.
Freshly ground horseradish
You can apply it as a poultice on the affected area. It stimulates the sciatic nerve and relieves pain.
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